Space Management

In fall 2019, Kennesaw State University began an initiative to improve space management at the University. One objective of the initiative is to establish a process for space management and allocation that is fair, transparent and tied to KSU's strategic principles. The Executive Space Planning Group and Space and Project Working Group have been established as part of that process.

If your department would like to request additional space or space modifications, please submit a space request form

Space Request Process

Space and project requests, or a combination of both can be submitted through using the space/project request form. The request will be routed for approval to the manager or department chair with budget responsibility. Once approved, the request will be reviewed by the Space Planning Working Group and/or the Project Review Committee as needed.
The request form includes questions about the space and project needed as well as questions regarding funding the request.  It’s often helpful to attach additional details that provide background or support the need for the request, including how the request supports the mission of the department and the University.
Changes to use of space, such as converting classrooms to office space, require a detailed review of classroom utilization data and other factors before they will be reviewed by the Working Group or the Executive Group.

Executive Space Planning Group

The Executive Space Planning Group is charged with overseeing and advising the president on all matters related to space planning and space use as it relates to Kennesaw State University's strategic priorities.

    • Space is a limited and shared resource and will be efficiently utilized to serve the University as a whole.
    • Student success and the impact on student outcomes should be a primary consideration for all space planning decisions.
    • Effective space planning will support Kennesaw State University’s Strategic Plan and Campus Master Plan. Any decisions regarding use of space that do not support the strategic plan or campus master plan must be approved by the president.
    • Effective space management is logical, transparent, and data-informed. Units requesting additional space will be expected to demonstrate they are using current space to its maximum efficiency.
    • Instructional facilities and student support will be given highest priority at the center of each campus. To the extent feasible, non-academic administrative units shall be located on the perimeter of each campus.
    • Reuse and adaptation of existing space is encouraged over new construction or major renovation.
    • The University will prioritize living/learning environments to enhance the academic mission in places where students live and interact.
    • Synergies created by placing like groups and functions in close proximity will be considered.
    • The University’s impact on and ability to share resources with the community will be considered.
    • Primary occupants of University space will be university units as opposed to outside entities.
    • The University will reserve adequate swing space for construction projects, program growth expansion, and unexpected or emergency needs
    • Multi-pronged moves
    • Projects over $250,000
    • Whole department moves
    • Changes in use of space (academic to operational and vice versa)
    • Any working group decisions that are being disputed
    • Priority lists for project work
    • Space utilization data
    • Small and large capital project proposals
    • Tricia Chastain, Executive Vice President and Chief Business Officer (Co-Chair) 
    • Ivan Pulinkala, Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs (Co-Chair)
    • Aaron Streimish, Vice President for IT and CIO
    • Karin Scarpinato, Vice President for Research
    • Aaron Howell, Vice President of Finance and CFO
    • Eric Arneson, Vice President, Student Affairs
    • Sheb True, Associate Vice Provost for Global Engagement, Strategic Initiatives, and Enrollment Services  
    • Katie Kaukinen, Dean of the Norman J. Radow College of Humanities 
    • Jo Lamb, AVP for Planning, Design, Construction & EHS
    • Kelly Johnston, Executive Director, Operations, Special Projects and Space Planning

Space and Project Working Group

The Space and Project Working Group is responsible for overseeing and advising the Chief Administrative Officer on changes of space purpose or office moves outside of the department area as well as recommendations to the Executive Committee on larger space requests that come into the centralized request portal.

This is an operational group that will meet monthly and develop the annual report of space management and project activity on campus.

    • Kelly Johnston, Executive Director, Operations, Special Projects and Space Planning
    • Cara Ray, Assistant Vice President, Student Affairs
    • Leigh Funk, Assistant Vice President of Academic Excellence
    • Antrameka Knight, Assistant Vice President, Budget and Planning
    • Jo Lamb, AVP for Planning, Design, Construction & EHS
    • Cole Stratton, Assistant VP, Academic Strategy & Finance 
    • Julia McDaniel, Director of Campus Planning
    • Paul Parker, Executive Director, Registrar
    • Renee Butler, Associate Dean - TBD
    • Scott Nowak, Associate Vice President for Research 
    • Paula Stadnicki, IT Infrastructure Services Manager, UITS
    • Zach Kerns, AVP, Campus Operations
    • Ex Officio: Sydney Taylor-Reynolds, CAD Specialist